7th Annual “Dinner in White”
at Hecate Park
on Sunday, August 12


7th Annual “Dinner in White” at Hecate Park on Sunday, August 12 @4:30pm

On August 12 we will have our Cittaslow Dinner in White, this time in Hecat Park

In Cowichan Bay starting at 4:30 pm

We’re celebrating our passion again for slow living in a different way.

We’ll take care of the tables, chairs and white tablecloths, but we ask you to bring your own local food, and a dish to share as well as cutlery.

In the spirit of zero waste, we ask you to use reusable containers and cutlery.

Additionally, the location is at Hecat park in Cowichan Bay right at the Nature Centre that will stay open for the event.

Because it’s in a park we cannot serve beverages or food so please bring your own drinks, and yes you can bring wine!

Because we are close to the water it can be a bit colder. So please bring a sweater.  Everyone is welcome!

And yes dress in White…

The event is free a donation to Cittaslow is appreciated

See you there!

Join us for an enjoyable evening

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