The Cittaslow Brock McLeod Best Farm Practices Award – In the next three month we will introduce you to our three nominees for this Cittaslow award. We work together with The Cowichan Valley Voice and Island Tractor & Supply Ltd. to make this a annual award.
Our first nominee is Tatlo Road Farm they are located on 7 acres just south of Crofton on Vancouver Island, about half way between Victoria and Nanaimo, and just 15 minutes from Duncan.

They grow a wide range of vegetables, herbs, and fruit, as well as raising laying hens. They use agro-ecological practices to manage their farm and are Certified Organic.
Nick and Niki feel they have accomplished a lot in the first few years, but there are many projects yet to be done! These include building a workshop, improving washing and storage areas, bringing a new field into cultivation, installing more irrigation lines, establishing a small orchard, building a new house, and expanding their pond and drainage system. All this work could seem daunting, but some things are for certain: they eat well, we sleep well, and they are never bored. Cittaslow International

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