We had a great turnout at our Cittaslow AGM. Outgoing president Nick Versteeg gave an outline of the activities of the past year and showed a variety of videos.

We handed out the very first Cittaslow Brock McLeod Best Farm practices awards. I am pleased to announce the recipients as follows:
-The Multi Generational Family Farm Award went to the Cowichan Milk Company.
-The Cittaslow Certified Organic Farm award to Tatlo Road Farm
-The Cittaslow Brock McLeod best farm Practices award to Manna Farm.
We also handed out the first Cittaslow Environmental Award to True Grain Bread in Cowichan Bay.

We showed a great video created by Dorothea Siegler showing her ideas using the Cittaslow values which were well captured by Dorothea.

After another short video showing what Cittaslow is all about we opened the floor for questions. It showed that people were very interested in our organization, which was even more evident by the number of nominations from the floor for our new board. I am happy to announce the new members on our Board:
Renée Robbins, Taryn O’Gorman, Michelle Devries, Sheila Badman, Matthew Heyne and Bruce Stewart, who graciously offered to stay on the board for another year as treasurer.

But before I close this chapter, I offer my heartfelt thanks to the previous members of the board, Bruce Stewart, Lori Iannidinardo, Caitlin McKenna Lew Penny, Greg Conner, and Simone Conner who did a tremendous job helping with our very successful annual events.

I like to take this close by extending my sincere and best wishes to the new board and hope that Cittaslow will continue to grow in years to come.

Nick Versteeg

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