We hope you are enjoying all the beauty of the Cowichan Valley as we approach the summer season.

We would like to share with you some exciting news and events happening in soon in our community:

Don’t miss Cowichan Bay’s 33rd Annual Wooden Boat Festival, taking place the weekend of July 7 and 8 at the Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre – This family friendly event features a pancake breakfast sponsored by Cittaslow, local music, a kid’s fishing derby, clam chowder contest, and more! For further info, check out:

Join us for an enjoyable evening of live music and local cuisine at the 7th Annual “Dinner in White”, at Hecate Park on Sunday, August 12 @ 4:30pm.

This seated outdoor pot luck style event is a great opportunity to make the most of the summer harvest. Bring your own prepared dish + some to share with new friends.

This event is by donation, please BYOB and wear white! We will bring the tables and chairs and some fabulous Cittaslow aprons for a nominal price! https://cittaslowcowichan.com/dinner-in-white/

We are excited to announce that criteria is being finalized for our two new annual Cittaslow awards, The Brock McCloud Best farm Practices award and the Cittaslow Environmental Award and will be posted on our website in July.

Now is the time to start thinking about nominations!
For more infomation, please visit: https://cittaslowcowichan.com/

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